
Showing posts from February, 2019

Is Taking Tramadol a risk during pregnancy - Know Uses and side effects

Tramadol is an opioid analgesic which binds with the opioid receptors and prevents the sensation of pain from reaching the receptors. It helps in giving respite from pain due to surgeries and injuries. But one thing that we cannot ignore is that this is a medicine and will naturally have side effects. So if you are pregnant or breastfeeding then you need to consider all the pros and cons before you start taking this medicine. A look at the common Tramadol uses: This analgesic is normally prescribed for patients who are suffering from pain. This is also used for chronic pain relief. The doctor will take into account the physical and medical condition of the patient and will decide about the dosage and strength of Tramadol. A look at the common Tramadol Side Effects: There are a number of common as well as serious side effects of Tramadol . This can include drowsiness, blurred vision and even serious side effects like muscle weakness, vomiting etc. Since there can be side e